Sheepadoodle Puppy Shopping List

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Sheepadoodles are adorable and expensive to adopt so we want them to thrive in our home. Here is a suggested Sheepadoodle shopping list before you pick up your furry bundle of joy and create puppy home preparation to achieve happy success together. Wishing you a lifetime of love together filled with joyous Sheepadoodle puppy memories!

1. Sheepadoodle puppy items to purchase before puppy fun pick up


  1. Puppy Food
  2. Nuvet Plus Wellness Wafers
  3. Food & Water Bowls
  4. Puppy Bed
  5. Leash
  6. ID tag & Collar
  7. Puppy Waste Bags for walks and Pooper Scooper
  8. Crate & Crate Pad & Liner
  9. Vet approved flea & tick treatment


  1. Puppy Pee Pads
  2. Paper Towels & Spot Cleaner
  3. Teething Toys
  4. Puppy Toys


  1. Dog Shampoo
  2. Dog Conditioner
  3. Dog Brush
  4. Dog ToothBrush
  5. Dog ToothPaste
  6. Ear cleaner
Sheepadoodle puppy image